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Chem DSC 2018-2019: A Year in Review

In the 2018-2019 school year, the Chemistry DSC organized various academic and social events. Our goal is to continuously help students interested and passionate about chemistry succeed in their goals and allow them to socialize with others with similar interests. Our first event of the year was Pool with Profs held at The Grizzly Grill for some friendly competition between undergraduate chemistry students, their TAs and professors. The aim was to provide a positive social environment for the chemistry department and their respective undergraduate majors to interact and spend time with their TAs and favourite professors.

The DSC also organizes academic events for different years to answer any questions about the chemistry program. A 1st year chemistry info night was held for prospective chemistry majors to learn about what their next few years may look like if they chose to major in chemistry and to answer any questions they may encounter along the path of choosing to be a chemistry major. A 4th year thesis information night was also held to help prospective CHEM497 students learn about the course and research opportunities. Previous students spoke about their experiences in working in lab groups and the structure of their thesis to answer any questions third year students may have had.

One of the most anticipated and exciting events of the year was the Chemistry formal held at The Harbour restaurant. The theme was “Glitz and Glamour, A night at Gatsby's” and was open to all years and majors! The night included a dinner, drinks and a dance in which awards were given out to 2nd, 3rd and 4th years based on nominations.

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